Sunday, 21 November 2010

Critiquing Research Paper (Part 2)

You can go to Mriga Online Academic Support website to get practical feedback to help you develop your assignment.

The research question

How clearly is the research question or the research problem stated?

How clearly is the background to the question/problem described..
v  From the authors own experience
v  From the context of others’ experience - review of the literature.
v  What gaps in knowledge are there?
v  How broad is the literature search?
v  Is it up to date and relevant?
v  Are the studies critiqued by the researcher?
v  Is a summary of current knowledge provided?

Is the importance of the question/problem to nursing or health care or the relevant subject explained?
What contribution is this study expected to make to the knowledge base of the subject?
What contribution is this study expected to make to the practice of the subject?
How does it relate to other research studies in the same area?
What terms and concepts need defining?
Are these clear, and is the terminology consistent throughout the study?
By the end of the introduction, are you clear on what is being studied and why?

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